Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Most Amazing News.....

So we just returned home from spending the weekend with my sister and her husband. We had a wonderful time. On Saturday night we had dinner with my family at my uncles house. After dinner my sister wanted all of us to watch my mom open her Christmas present. My mom carefully pulled the gift out of the bag with a puzzled look on her face. It was a bib! After a few seconds I looked at my sister, then back at the bib, then at my sister, then back at the bib until it finally struck me.............................she is pregnant!!!!!!!!! I am SOOoooooooooo very excited to have a niece or nephew around! For the longest time, I have been the only one having babies. I think that we where all so puzzled by this because they really have not been trying for very long at all. My sister actually thought that she may have trouble getting pregnant because of the irregularity issues that she had in her younger days. But I told her from the beginning that she is my sister and I absolutely had NO problems what so ever, all that she needed to do was relax and trust GOD! Have faith that when the time is right, it will happen. She was off of birth control for 1 week!! God is so good and faithful!

1 comment:

Samantha said...

What wonderful news! It is so much fun being an auntie (My half sister has two kids the same ages as my 2 oldest). I'll bet your mom went crazy! Congratulations!