Monday, May 5, 2008

My Gosh it's been a while...

I have actually been working on a very detailed blog entry for everyone because we have so, so much going on. But I don't quit have it ready to post. I did want to give everyone something to read about though so that you all don't think that we dropped off the face of the earth. So here goes. These are observations and new sayings from and about my children.

-One of Blake's new things is to squat down and sway back and forth when we even think about saying the word dance.

-Rylin has recently renamed herself. She absolutely refuses to answer to the name Rylin and insist on being called Monkey!

-Jade is beginning to question about things going on with her body and to very very honest it makes my heart sink when I begin to absorb the reality that my first born is becoming an outstanding young lady.

-Jaycee has a voice that can belt out just about anything and if you had your eyes closed you would have no doubts that the voice came from a women with the voice of an angel.

-Blake has 7 teeth now and when he eats he makes sure to shovel every last bite in all at the same time. He sits there with it in his mouth until I notice what he has done, place my hand under his mouth and he spits out half of it and then laughs and carries on.

-Regardless of their ages, every one of my children love, love, love to play with bubbles. There is something about bubbles that makes everything ok.

-Rylin is obsessed with the over the counter topical antiseptic, Bactine. She calls it her "favorite stuff" and believes it to be some kind of magic position that heals anything from bites to a broken heart.

-Jade has recently gone from a total neat freak to a room the you need mountain climbing gear to make it over the pile of clothes that great you upon opening her bedroom door.

-It never fails, somehow Jaycee can take a brand new pair of shows and in just one day have then looking like I handed them down to her from when I was her age.

-Jade and I are starting to share clothes. YIKES!!!

-Rylin has to end every sentence with the words coo coo or toot toot. When she calls herself monkey, it is not only monkey, but monkey toot.

-Blake despises eggs. Jade likes sushi. Jaycee is picky she would eat top ramen for every meal if I would allow it. Rylin thinks that candy is #1 at the top of the food groups. But to be honest, all of the kids have no problem trying something one time. If if they really don't like it, we don't force them to eat it.

-Blake says many words now but I am very impressed that he can say apple at only 13 months old.

-Jaycee's new saying is "HOLY MOLEY!" And if you could only see her face when she says it, so passionate.

Last but not least.......Mike and I have made a life changing choice recently. I am happy to share this with all of you since we have prayed about it for the last month and the Lord has eased our hearts and our mind and we know that He will provide. We are so excited to tell you all that as of June 1st I will no longer work. My job is amazing but my children are my life!! This was hard because I have outstanding benefits, flexibility and have worked very hard to be where I am in my career.........BUT. We made a choice to have 4 children and there is still the possibility of more children in our future and for those very simple reasons God has lead me back home where I belong....with my children. Thank you all for your support and God bless all of you.


Samantha said...

Yay! I am so happy for you and your children that you will be there with them. God always provides for that which He calls us to. It is exciting to watch Him work. I am planning on emailing you once we get this crazy move behind us on Saturday. God bless you!

FordFamily said...

Thank you Sam for your encouraging words! This is a true test of faith for me because I absolutely love what I do for a living. I know that God will bless this family of mine regardless of me being home or not. But at this point I feel the Lord is calling me home to stay with the children once again. I'm excited to see what the future brings. Hope the move goes well for you guys. Hang in there, moving is never fun but having a new home is so exciting! May the Lord bless your family!